Solutions for your future needs.

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(780) 922-1697

Products Offered


  • Segregated Funds
  • Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)
  • Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC)
  • Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF)
  • Group Pension/Group RRSP
  • Annuities

Risk Management

  • Life Insurance
  • Critical Illness Insurance
  • Disability Insurance
  • Long Term Care
  • Key-person Coverage
  • Buy-Sell Insurance
  • Overhead Expense Plan

Insurance products are provided via multiple insurance carriers.

Travel Insurance, Health & Dental and Guaranteed Critical Illness

Travel Insurance

We are pleased to advise that Scott Pollock now offers travel insurance available through Manulife Financial.

You can’t expect to have a medical emergency away from home, or to have to cancel a trip due to an emergency but you can be prepared for these events. Take this opportunity to choose the plan that’s right for you if you are traveling for pleasure or on business.

Flexcare®/FollowMe™ Health

We are pleased to advise that Scott Pollock now offers health and dental insurance available through Manulife Financial.

If you are not covered by a group health plan or not satisfied with the health coverage you have today, Manulife Financial may be the answer for you.

Now you can earn AIR MILES® reward miles just for obtaining a quote on a Flexcare®/FollowMe™ Health plan. And you can earn additional AIR MILES® reward miles every 6 months just for staying on as a Flexcare®/FollowMe™ Health customer.

The Association Health and Dental Plan

An alternative for members of both small and large associations, no matter whether they are single, have a young family or are nearing their retirement years.

The Association Health & Dental Plan offers 8 distinct plan choices which feature[s] prescription drug coverage, dental, hospital, vision, EHC and AD&D. The Association health and dental plan protects your clients against routine and unexpected health care expenses by filling in the gaps left by their provincial health insurance plan.

Lifecheque® Basic Critical Illness Insurance

If you are looking for an affordable, simple solution to meet your need for critical illness insurance, Manulife has the answer. Lifecheque Basic offers critical illness protection at a low cost, and with a hassle-free application process.

Lifecheque Basic is a simplified critical illness insurance plan that provides a one-time benefit upon a diagnosis of one of the five most common conditions: heart attack, stroke, cancer, aortic surgery and coronary bypass. It requires no underwriting or medical tests, only a signed declaration of good health. Exclusions and restrictions apply.



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