Scott Pollock CFP, CHS
10088 102nd Avenue
#1203 TD Tower
Edmonton AB T5J 2Z1
Phone: (780) 922-1697 Cell: (780) 995-8846 Fax: (780) 922-1550
Financial products and services can address specific needs in your financial security plan and help you build a successful business. I have access to a broad range of insurance, investment, employee disability and group benefit products to help meet your individual and business needs and goals. You may have put all your focus and hard work into your business, so it makes sense to protect it properly against the risks that can bring financial hardship.
The people employed in your business or organization help you succeed regardless of whether you depend on three key employees, or a team of 100.
We can offer your firm a comprehensive group benefit plan that enables you to retain your important staff:
10088 102nd Avenue
#1203 TD Tower
Edmonton AB T5J 2Z1
Phone: (780) 922-1697
Fax: (780) 922-1550
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